Manual Playing (Technics Keyboards)

Have you ever wanted to use manual play on a Keyboard, well now you can! This setup will allow you to mimic, playing an Organ, i.e. Allow you to play Root Bass notes, Left hand Chords as well as the usual Right hand Voices, plus a bonus Right Hand track (part 4), a third voice, and also use the Techni-Chord functions for Harmony.

The method

You can choose to set up either Voice parts for Right 1, 2, & (part 4 {Third Right Voice}), or setup the Bass and Accompaniment. These need to be balanced with each other and will depend on the voice chosen.

I find it easiest to select the right hand voices first, and balance it up later. Having selected you Right 1, and 2, Organ Sounds, I will select the suitable voice for Root Bass, and Chord.

Where is Root Bass you ask, it can be found via Program Menu - Sound - Part Setting - Part Select (the top two Left hand screen buttons). One you have Root Bass showing you can select its voice as usual from the Sounds Group (note you can not change the octave). I recommend that you enable Sustain and set the level to 4, and Volume to about 60-64. Next do the same with the Chord as above but, is just the part next to Root Bass, now select its voice, and set the Sustain to On, level 5, and volume to about 50. You can save this to Panel Memory A1 or any other location. We haven quite finished yet but almost the Important step is press Auto Play Mode button and turn Memory Off still leaving Fingered Chord On.
Once again save this to Panel Memory A1, or wherever, now Program Memory to exit back to the normal screen, note you don't need the Left Part selected in Conductor. If you play the anywhere left of the split point the Chord and Bass parts selected in Part Select will play with a chord and root bass note, it will also use Techni-Chord if used. Now all that remains is to select and balance the Right 1, & 2, Voices, and, Part 4 voice if used, once again saving to Panel Memory, and then save to Floppy Disk.

I'm attaching one of my Panel Memory banks using this method for you to try. You can also do it with string, or vocal sounds, this will allow you to play at your own pace colla voce (free tempo), and give some poetic licence to enhance your music.

So here is an example in Panel Memory A1 to A8, especially Note A4, &, A8 these use Part 4 and Theatre {Harmony} (Techni-Chord). I hope this proves interesting to you, and that you'll experiment yourself using this template as a starting point. Click here for My Manual play bank
